Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"Locked in, boxed in, full of fear
my panic grows manic, 'till I can't hear
in need of reprieve, so I can breathe
remove my fear please, make it leave"

let see whats happenin in my life everythin seems alright so far
waitin for enlistment so i guess need to start workin out if i dont wanna fail ny nafa test which i might. other then that everythin else seems preety alright not that much of problems infact there isnt any at the moment. so i guess its a good thing. recently been reading alot of books weird but yah can kill time and learn somethin from every novel i read. preety interesting to read actually i always thought it was a bore but guess what is no where near it. But at times the emoness is gettin to me but yah stayin positive does help alot in many ways.
some nightmare just cant go away that easily its a lesson learnt :D....

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