Monday, September 17, 2007

it is wrong but yet it feels so right

so many things is wrong yet it feels so right
for example cutting it feels so stupid after doin it but
when u r lone with so much of thoughts running through your head
it feels so right at the point of time cause the thoughts hurt more then the knife.

remembering every moment when the other don't even care
is wrong or i shall i say stupid but yet it feels right

thinkin abt the person and sobbin over them
is wrong but yet it feels right

loving the someone knowing is never gonna work out
is wrong but yet it feels so right

treating a special someone like your world and u don't mind doin anythin for them
is wrong but yet it feels right

knowing u r treated like trash u just can't never give up cause practically the person is a part of you
is wrong but yet it feels right

hurtin yourself for the one u love
is wrong but it feels right

u just wanna tell the person how much they mean to u and how much u love them
u know is so right to do yet it feels so wrong

am i just lying to myself ?
if only i could

And girl you're just way too fine
Gotta be treated as one of a kind
Girl use your mind
Don't be just another dime

u r Beautiful not just for show

one man's trash is another man's treasure :D

everythin feels so wrong yet right

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